Hand and wrist pain can happen in many conditions, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Trigger Finger, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, trauma, et al.
Pain in the medial elbow or lateral elbow, is mostly called Golfer’s elbow or Tennis elbow respectively (chart 1). It can be caused by repetitive injury or trauma. Steroid injection to the painful area is common, generally patients get pain relieve at first, but many patients get worst and feel more pain eventually. Some patients rely on pain killers, however, if the pain persists over 3 months, pain killers are not good choice. Some patients get digestive irritation, even ulcer or bleeding. Some patients take opiates for a long time and are killed by opiates (This has been a national crisis as announced by US president in 2017).
Combination of physical therapy and acupuncture may be the best choice. Counter Stimulation Therapy is an integrative approach for the management for elbow pain, better than physical therapy alone or acupuncture alone. Counter Stimulation Therapy can reduce pain faster, promote the healing faster, strengthening the muscle and restore function faster.
While manage with Counter Stimulation Therapy, not only the elbow is evaluated, any elbow pain associated structures (not in the elbow area) will be evaluated. As a result, many associated tender points (not only in elbow area) or trigger points will be founded (theses are generally missed by most doctors). These associated tender of trigger points are very important in reducing pain and promoted healing.
During the first visit, patient will expect about one-hour evaluation and treatment. The associated tender points and trigger points will be found, and trier treatment with be delivered. A majority of patient will experience relieve of pain, and then a detailed plane of care will be discussed with patient.
Adherent to the plan of care is essential to the best outcome.